Who is On the Lord's Side?

God Wants Us to Be Controversial Over the Inspiration of the King James Bible!

Jude 1:3, “Beloved ... it was needful for me to write unto you... that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

       God wants us as believers to fight over matters of right and wrong (Psalm 94:16), to fight over doctrinal purity (Romans 16:17; Titus 1:10-13), and certainly to fight over the inspiration of our beloved English King James Bible (Jude 1:3). It is tragic that most professed Christians don't care about the inspiration of the Bible, the Doctrine of Christ, and the simplicity that is in Christ for salvation. There is no greater battle today than over the inspiration of our beloved King James Bible! Before it was just a battle over which Bible. But now the battle has become over the inspiration of the King James Bible itself. Who is on the Lord's side?

I have been criticized for taking a stand against the official doctrinal position of the Salvation Army, but I will continue to do so without apology. One woman was outraged and said, “How dare you criticize the Salvation Army.” Well, I do so eagerly and without regret Ma'am, because the Salvation Army is teaching a false Gospel. They teach that a person must continue living in obedient faith in order to remain in a “state of salvation.” That is works salvation! I don't care if everyone and their dog loves the Salvation Army, I'm going to expose them as heretics as long as they follow the heresies of hen-pecked William Booth and his stanch feminist rebel for a wife. I follow the inspired King James Bible; not the creeds and teachings of men. In John 5:39 Jesus said, SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES!

Many independent Baptist pastors have been saying at their churches and at their conferences that they don’t want to be controversial about the King James Bible. They pride themselves in staying out of the fight and not causing any problems. They look down on the people who are taking a stand for the inspiration of the King James Bible. Why take a stand for anything? If we're going to be loyal to people over principle, and organizations over truth, and institutions over what is right, then let's all just throw in the towel. If we're not going to defend the inspiration of the King James Bible because it is controversial, then why stand for anything? ...

Salvation: Are we not going to take a stand on salvation by grace through faith because it might be controversial?

Eternal Security: Are we not going to take a stand on “once saved, always saved” because it might be controversial?

Virgin Birth and Deity of Christ: Are we not going to take a stand on the virgin birth and the deity of Christ because it might be controversial?

The Blood Atonement – Shed and Applied: Are we not going to take a stand on the blood because it might be controversial?

Modesty: Are we not going to take a stand on modesty because it might be controversial?

Music: Are we not going to take a stand against the world’s music because it might be controversial?

Abortion: Are we not going to take a stand against the sin of abortion because it might be controversial?

Homosexuality: Are we not going to take a stand against the sin of homosexuality because it might be controversial?

Divorce: Are we not going to take a stand against the sin of divorce because it might be controversial?

Feminism: Are we not going to take a stand against the sin of feminism because it might be controversial?

We could go on and on…

God wants us to be courageously controversial, not cowardly compromisers.

Unchristlike Christians hate conflict more than they hate evil.

Many independent Baptist Christians don’t want to be controversial about the King James Bible. They pride themselves in staying out of the fight and not causing any problems. Numbers 32:6 comes to mind...

Numbers 32:6,  “And Moses said unto the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here?

Why is it that only a small tireless handful of Christian men and women are defending the inspiration of the King James Bible? It is because only a small handful of believers love the Lord Jesus Christ anymore. Money, covetous, the lust for power, prestige, worldly success, the pleasures of life, intellectual arrogance, family pride, et cetera; have turned men's hearts away from THE TRUTH. They choose to go along to get along, rather than suffer with their brethren who are standing alone against government evil and crime, fighting alone against unrighteousness, and fighting alone for the inspiration of the King James Bible.

We need reinforcements on the frontlines, but most believers have forgotten that they are supposed to be SOLDIERS for Jesus Christ. 2nd Timothy 2:3, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” Too many preachers are more interested in golf outings than they are about fighting in the trenches for their Lord. God called us to preach THE TRUTH. Jesus is THE TRUTH (John 14:6). The Bible is THE TRUTH (John 17:17). God wants us to fight for THE TRUTH. Good luck trying to tell THE TRUTH about the 911 attacks to any Christian today. THE TRUTH is that no plane ever struck building # 7. So why did it implode to the ground in 6.5 seconds? THE TRUTH is obvious if you can handle it. Those 3 buildings were detonated from within with carefully placed explosives. It was an inside job involving top brass in The White House, the Pentagon, the FBI, the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, and other key government agencies.

They ran mock terrorist attacks on the morning of 911 to confuse everyone and provide a cover for their crimes. They did then exact same thing to cover for the London bombings. People can't handle the truth. The average fancy-pants, bigwig, richy-rich, pastor has too much to lose by telling THE TRUTH, or dare even investigate or question what really happened on 911. America's biggest pastors are like ostriches with their heads buried in the sand. No one cares, and so the criminals get bolder, more blatant in their crimes, and reward those who look the other way in apostasy. Today's pastors have absolutely no desire whatsoever to know THE TRUTH about anything except what benefits them personally and their friends.

They do nothing while America goes to Hell. Their attitude is to not get involved when they see a thief breaking into their neighbor's homes, because it doesn't involve them. They look the other way when their neighbor is being raped, tortured and killed, which is EXACTLY what we have done to the Iraqi people. Our government has exploited our children as paid mercenaries to steal, kill and pillage other sovereign nations. The reality which most people live in is all a fabricated lie from the time they are born. Most people cannot deal with my website because it is concentrated TRUTH. The average pastor cowardly turns his head away, covering up his cowardliness by saying that reaching more people for Christ is the solution, while he does nothing to expose the CRIMES being committed against his neighbors. Where dwelleth the love of God?

They look down on the people who are taking a stand for the inspiration of the King James Bible. They are not right with God. Who is on the Lord's side? Exodus 32:26, “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD's side? let him come unto me.” We have reached a critical juncture in America today, in our churches. It's time to live or die, time to decide whose side your really on. Those who love the Lord Jesus Christ and the Words of life He spoke (John 6:63), know that the King James Bible is INSPIRED.

Let those who will follow the Devil and hurt the cause of Christ remain where you are, for the Lord is coming soon and you will be sorry. For those who are on the Lord's side, who have faithfully upheld the inspiration of the King James Bible, their reward will be great! The Lord said His reward will be with Him when He returns, for those who are true and faithful to His Word. Revelation 22:12: “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” I would hate to have to stand before the Lord in shame because I trashed out the inspiration of the English Bible, and taught thousands of people that the Bible in their hands was not inspired. If I believed that the King James Bible was not inspired word-for-word, this website would be gone by sundown.

If the King James Bible is not inspired, then it cannot be quick (alive) and powerful as Hebrews 4:12 proclaims. Don't you tell me you imposter that my Bible is not inspired. Don't you tell me you weasel that I have to buy a $3,000 plane ticket and fly to Europe to read the inspired Bible in Greek and Hebrew. Bologna! God in His divine foreknowledge and wisdom knew that the English-speaking-language would become the language of the End Times. It is the universal language today around the world. The King James Bible is the last Bible which will ever be approved by God for translation into the English language. This is abundantly clear, because EVERY, and I mean EVERY, Bible being translated today is based upon the corrupt Greek texts of Westcott and Hort. The King James Bible came to us from a different source... the Textus Receptus (or, the received texts). Here's a chart to simplify the matter.

If we are supposed to avoid the controversy over the inspiration of the King James Bible because we don’t want to be “controversial,” then why don’t we just remain silent about everything? No Sir, this sin-cursed and tired world is dying for something real, for people who are real. We live in a generation of synthetic everything... our churches are no more real today than all the plastic surgeries, breast implants, facial injections, false teeth, wigs, colored contact lens, hair die, false nails, fake eyelids, and all the other things that women do to themselves to change their appearance. I just want to be me... bald headed, ugly and outspoken; but I'm real people.

Most pastors reading this article will say that they are still taking a stand against the aforementioned things, and will continue to. But then why take a stand on those controversial topics; but then not take a stand on the inspiration of the King James Bible? Why? Is this not the biggest issue of all? Yes, it certainly is! There is NO issue any more important than the inspiration of the Word of God.

Before and during the Prohibition Era against booze (1920-1933), preachers came out uncompromisingly against the evils of booze, especially the mighty Billy Sunday. But once the Prohibition Act was repealed in 1933, no one cared anymore. All the preachers gave up and many started drinking booze themselves. Many pastors today drink alcohol. It is tragic!

Now that abortion has become commonplace, widespread and prevalent in American society, the average preacher feels like he's trying to stop a freight-train by standing in front of it. This is why preachers have given up the battle against abortion. But abortion is still evil. Abortion is still murder! Abortion is still sinful in the eyes of the Creator of all life, Jesus Christ! Abortion is cold-blooded murder in the first-degree!!! I will never stop preaching against the evils of abortion, selling diced up baby parts, and the Rock 'N' Roll, partying, feminist culture that inspires women to behave as whores, fornicating and bringing unwanted children into this world only to be slaughtered in some abortuaries and thrown into a human dumpster!

Who is on the Lord's Side?

Christians are to be loyal to principles and not institutions.
Christians are to be loyal to the Word of God and not to men.
Christians are not to be respecters of persons (Romans 2:11)
Christians are to “earnestly contend for the faith” (Jude 1:3), which means being controversial.
Christians are to please Christ with our position and our stand (Revelation 4:11), and let the chips fall where they may.
Christians are to rise up against the evildoers and stand up against the workers of iniquity (Psalm 94:16).
Christians are to expose people who introduce heresy into the Church (Romans 16:17; Titus 1:10-13).

There is a raging battle today in our churches over the Word of God. The King James Bible is the ONLY Bible that is NOT copyrighted. You can be legally sued in court for giving away copies of the 21st Century King James Bible, or the New King James Bible, or any modern corrupt Bible; because the publishers would lose money. Ah, but you can print and freely distribute the King James Bible all that your heart desires. And let's do so!

All modern Bibles remove the word GODHEAD from Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20 and Colossians 2:9. Those are the only 3 mentions of the word in the King James Bible. Why would anyone remove such a critically important word? I'll tell you why! It's because the doctrine of the Godhead (i.e., the Trinity) is offensive to many unsaved people who are churchgoers. The New International Version (NIV) even removed the all-important word, BEGOTTEN, from John 3:16.

With all the butchers attacking the Word of God, perverting it, why prey tell me would an Independent Baptist pastor attack the inspiration of our precious King James Bible? It's insanity! I don't understand it. With all the hordes of Hell reigning down upon the New Testament Church, why would any pastor undermine his congregation's faith in the Bible? Is it so hard to just admit that one was wrong and made a mistake, instead of defending one's intellectual arrogance and sinful pride to the grave?

Unchristlike Christians hate conflict more than they hate evil.

Souls Are Dying!

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!